Author: Nighttime Recuerdos
Not holding my breath
Suppressioninhale and never let gosuffocatinglike a heat wavehigh humidityand somehowmove forwardsweat it outthings are not designedto always move slow. Lifelike living underwaterand trying to find the surfaceyet never quite drownand if one could breatheexhalereleasing everything held inwould that create fresh airor a tornado?
My Happy Place (La biblioteca)
It is quietI can have noise if I wantheadphones inthe sounds of metalor piano,or rain,and around the scent of agedusty pagesthat I will never readbut in the center of themstill enjoy immenselystacked up high and wideendless rows of knowledgeand me in the centerin a […]
How many words?
Could it be possiblethat every rhyme has been rhymed,every combination of words writtenand we are simply copying anotherbut at a different moment in time?Could it be possiblethat nothing is newor has the change in our grammarevolved us ever so slightly,we create something different,but the […]